
This page provides a guide for developers wishing to contribute to Sphinx-Modeling.

Bugs, Features and PRs

For bug reports and well-described technical feature requests, please use our issue tracker:

For feature ideas and questions, please use our discussion board:

If you have already created a PR, you can send it in. Our CI workflow will check (test and code styles) and a maintainer will perform a review, before we can merge it. Your PR should conform with the following rules:

  • A meaningful description or link, which describes the change

  • The changed code (for sure :) )

  • Test cases for the change (important!)

  • Updated documentation, if behavior gets changed or new options/directives are introduced.

  • Update of docs/changelog.rst.

  • If this is your first PR, feel free to add your name in the AUTHORS file.

Installing Dependencies

Sphinx-Modeling requires only Poetry to be installed as a system dependency, the rest of the dependencies are ‘bootstrapped’ and installed in an isolated environment by Poetry.

  1. Install Poetry

  2. Install project dependencies

    poetry install
  3. Install Pre-Commit

  4. Install the Pre-Commit hooks

    pre-commit install
  5. For running tests, install the dependencies of our official documentation:

    pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

List make targets

Sphinx-Modeling uses make to invoke most development related actions.

Use make list to get a list of available targets.


Build docs

To build the Sphinx-Modeling documentation stored under /docs, run:

# Build HTML pages
make docs-html


# Build PDF pages
make docs-pdf

It will always perform a clean build (calls make clean before the build). If you want to avoid this, run the related sphinx-commands directly under /docs (e.g. make docs).

To check if all used links in the documentation are still valid, run:

make docs-linkcheck

Running Tests


Please be sure to have the dependencies of the official documentation installed:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
make test

Linting & Formatting

Sphinx-Modeling uses black and isort to format its source code.

make lint

Running Test Matrix

This project provides a test matrix for running the tests across a range of Python and Sphinx versions. This is used primarily for continuous integration.

Nox is used as a test runner.

Running the matrix tests requires additional system-wide dependencies

  1. Install Nox

  2. Install Nox-Poetry

  3. You will also need multiple Python versions available. You can manage these using Pyenv

You can run the test matrix by using the nox command


or using the provided Makefile

make test-matrix

For a full list of available options, refer to the Nox documentation, and the local noxfile.

import nox
from nox_poetry import session

PYTHON_VERSIONS = ["3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10"]
SPHINX_NEEDS_VERSIONS = ["1.0.1", "1.0.2"]

def run_tests(session, sphinx, sphinx_needs):
    session.install(".")"pip", "install", f"sphinx=={sphinx}")"pip", "install", f"sphinx-needs=={sphinx_needs}")"echo", "FINAL PACKAGE LIST", external=True)"pip", "freeze")"make", "test", external=True)  # runs 'poetry run pytest' which re-uses the active nox environment

@session(python=PYTHON_VERSIONS, reuse_venv=True)
@nox.parametrize("sphinx_needs", SPHINX_NEEDS_VERSIONS)
@nox.parametrize("sphinx", SPHINX_VERSIONS)
def tests(session, sphinx, sphinx_needs):
    run_tests(session, sphinx, sphinx_needs)

Running Commands

See the Poetry documentation for a list of commands.

In order to run custom commands inside the isolated environment, they should be prefixed with poetry run (ie. poetry run <command>).


Marco Heinemann <>


Publishing a new release

There is a release pipeline installed for the CI.

This gets triggered automatically, if a tag is created and pushed. The tag must follow the format: [0-9].[0-9]+.[0-9]. Otherwise the release jobs won’t trigger.

The release jobs will build the source and wheel distribution and try to upload them to and