
All configurations take place in your project’s file.


Add sphinx_modeling to your extensions:

extensions = ["sphinx_needs", "sphinx_modeling", ]


All configuration options starts with the prefix modeling_ for Sphinx-Modeling.


This option defines a mapping of need types to Pydantic models. Each pydantic model class must inherit from BaseModelNeeds which can be imported as follows

from sphinx_modeling.modeling.main import BaseModelNeeds

Default: {}

class Story(BaseModelNeeds, extra=Extra.forbid):
   id: str
   type: typing.Literal["story"]
   active: Optional[needs_bool]

class Spec(BaseModelNeeds, extra=Extra.forbid):
   id: pydantic.constr(regex=r'^SPEC_\w{3,}$')
   type: Literal["spec"]
   links: pydantic.conlist(Story, min_items=1, max_items=1)

modeling_models = {
   'story': Story,
   'spec': Spec,

The repository contains a full example. More examples and details can be found in the Modeling guidelines.


Need dictionary fields that shall be removed before passing each need dictionary to pydantic. A common modeling approach is not not allow additional need fields using pydantic’s Extra.forbid. In this case a need should not contain unused fields as they would appear as validation violations.




from sphinx_modeling.modeling.defaults import MODELING_REMOVE_FIELDS

modeling_remove_fields = MODELING_REMOVE_FIELDS + [

Flag indicating whether to remove back referencing link fields from need dictionaries before passing on to pydantic. This is an addition to modeling_remove_fields so the backlinks don’t have to be listed separately. Commonly they should also not be part of the validation models.

Default: True

Flag to replace linked need IDs with the linked need dictionary itself.

Sphinx-Needs uses list of strings to represent outgoing and incoming need links. Each string is a need ID which uniquely identifies the linked need. To validate outgoing or incoming need links, Pydantic models can either validate the need IDs or the target need dictionary - which also includes the need ID. Commonly it is preferrable to validate various linked need fields such as:

  • must be of type ‘story’

  • must be in status ‘in_progress’ or ‘done’

Setting this configuration parameter to True will replace all need ID strings with the corresponding target need dictionary.

Circular loops

Keep in mind Pydantic does not support circular references. Replacing need IDs with the target need dictionary might lead to circular references which is perfectly fine in Python but not for Pydantic. This happens if e.g. a test references a spec which references a story which then links to the same test again. To avoid this create dedicated models with a reduced field set for linked need validation. See Linked need validation for more information.